

Misteri Kapalselam Takboleh Menyelam - Mungkin Salahfaham Terjemahan Bila Buat Pesanan
Mystery of The Submarine That Can't Submerge - Maybe A Misunderstanding In Translation When Placing Order

petikan daripada seperti laporan John Berthelsen, Isnin 30hb April 2012:

Ia cuma suatu tanda pada pintu pejabat di Hong Kong?

Untuk sebuah syarikat yang dikatakan menerima sekurang2nya 36juta euro (144juta ringgit) daripada satu anak syarikat kepada firma pertahanan Perancis DCN, Terasasi (HK) Ltd rupa2nya penuh misteri. Ia salah satu dari 142 nama yang tersenarai pada tingkat 19 sebuah pencakar langit di 3 Jalan Lockhart dalam daerah Wan Chai di Hong Kong.

Penyewa utama di tingkat 19 itu ialah Union Alpha, cabang di Hong Kong bagi sebuah firma perakaunan yang memberikan "khidmat profesional untuk memenuhi kehendak harian perniagaan para pelanggan di Hong Kong, Cina dan antarabangsa," termasuk khidmat audit dan jaminan, rundingan pengurusan, perakaunan dan lain-lain, seperti apa yang tertera pada laman sesawangnya.

Tidak ada sebarang petunjuk tentang apakah perniagaan Terasasi. Ia cuma disenaraikan dalam Pendaftaran Syarikat Hong Kong sebagai sebuah "syarikat tempatan". Bila ditanya tentang jenis urusan Terasasi, seorang pegawai kanan Union Alpha, Monique K.L. Chan, hanya berkata "Kami tidak boleh membincangkan hal2 sulit para pelanggan kami." Dia menujukan Asia Sentinel pada seorang ketua, yang dikatakannya sedang bermesyuarat. Ketuanya itu tidak menjawap permintaan untuk suatu panggilan telefon.

Bagaimanapun, Terasasi terletak di tengah2 tuduhan yang sekurang2nya 36juta euro telah disalurkan menerusi akaunnya kepada Perdana Menteri Najib Abdul Razak sebagai komisen atas jualan 2 buah kapalselam Scorpene yang dibeli dari firma pertahanan Perancis Thales International, atau dikenali juga sebagai Thint Asia.

2 orang pengarah syarikat Terasasi HK, yang pada mulanya ditubuhkan di Malaysia, tersenarai dalam Pendaftaran Syarikat Hong Kong sebagai Abdul Razak Baginda, dulunya seorang sahabat rapat Najib, dan Abdul Malim Baginda, bapa Abdul Razak. Tiada sebarang maklumat, contohnya, bank2 mana yang berurusan dengan Terasasi, tetapi bank2 ini mungkin mula menumpukan perhatian.

Ini adalah kerana akta pengubahan wang Hong Kong meletakkan kesalahan pada bank, peguam atau juruakaun jika mengendalikan harta yang mereka tahu atau mereka syaki merupakan hasil urusan jenayah berat. Pesalah boleh dipenjarakan sehingga 14tahun. Rekod mesti disimpan untuk mana2 urusan yang melebihi HK$8ribu, atau anggaran kasarnya USD1ribu (3ribu ringgit).

extracted from as reported by John Berthelsen, Monday 30th April 2012:

Is it just a sign on a Hong Kong door?

For a company that allegedly received at least €36 million from an offshoot of the French defense company DCN, Terasasi (Hong Kong) Ltd is a mysterious company indeed. It is one of at least 142 names listed on the directory on the 19th floor of a skyscraper at 3 Lockhart Road in Hong Kong’s Wan Chai district.

The 19th floor’s main tenant is a company called Union Alpha, the Hong Kong arm of an accounting firm that provides “professional services to meet clients’ daily business needs, both in Hong Kong, Greater China and globally,” including auditing and assurance services, management consulting, accountancy and other services, according to the firm’s website.

There is no indication of what Terasasi’s business is. It is only listed in the Hong Kong Companies Registry as a “local company.” Asked about the nature of Terasasi’s operations, Monique K.L. Chan, a senior officer at Union Alpha, told Asia Sentinel that “We cannot discuss confidential matters of our clients.” She referred Asia Sentinel to her boss, whom she said was in a meeting. He did not immediately answer a request for a phone call.

Terasasi, however, is at the center of allegations that at least some of the €36 million was funneled through its accounts to Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak as a commission on the sale of two Scorpene submarines purchased from the French defense company Thales International, also known as Thint Asia.

The two directors of Terasasi Hong Kong, which was first incorporated in Malaysia, are listed in the Hong Kong Companies Registry as Abdul Razak Baginda, formerly one of Najib’s closest friends, and Razak Baginda’s father, Abdul Malim Baginda. There is no indication, for instance, who Terasasi’s bankers might be, but they might be beginning to take notice.

That is because Hong Kong’s money-laundering law makes it an offense for bankers, lawyers or accountants to deal with property they know or have reasonable grounds to believe represents the proceeds serious crimes. Offenders are subject to a maximum of 14 years in prison. Records must be kept on any transaction over HK$8,000, the rough equivalent of US$1,000.


A report leaks the conversation that took place on the day asia sentinel went to find out more about terasasi, at the office's main lobby...

asia sentinel: miss, excuse me miss, what exactly is the nature of business conducted by this firm?
terasasi staff: hah? apa orangputeh ni cakap kat aku nih??? aku bukannya belajar ppsmi... eh, apa dia tanya tu? (berpaling pada seorang staf lain yang baru melangkah masuk dari luar)
*huh? what is this white man saying??? i didnt study (in) ppsmi (the learning of sciences and maths in english language)... eh, what is he asking? (turning to another staff who just walked through the front door)
staff no.2: ala, dia tanya kau, kompeni ni buat bisnes apa... (sambil beredar terus masuk pejabat di dalam)
*ah, he asks you, what business is this company doing... (immediately walking away to the office inside)
terasasi staff: ooh... bisnes... kompeni ni...
*ooh... business... this company...
asia sentinel: ah, yes. what business does the company engage in, please?
terasasi staff: ok, ok, i know that... ok, aaah... bisnes.... aaaah... camne nak cakap  ek....
*ok, ok, i know that... ok, aaah... business.... aaaah... how am i gonna say it eh...
asia sentinel: excuse me, what's that? i dont understand the words you just said... dont sound mandarin, i dont think...
terasasi staff: aah... alamak... yes... i mean no, not  mandarin... aa... bisnes... aa... up... aah... bisnes up...
*aah... oh shucks... yes... i mean no, not  mandarin... aah... business... aa... up... aah... business up...
asia sentinel: up? up, as in above, up? (pointing index finger up)
terasasi staff: yes yes! (nodding vigorously) up, above... aaah... air...!
asia sentinel: up air?
terasasi staff: yes, up air! (nodding and grinning wide)
asia sentinel: ooooh, you mean aircraft business? this firm deals with aeroplanes, because aeroplanes, they go up in the air, yes?
terasasi staff: no no no! (look of dismay) not aeroplane! up air, up air! (voice becoming frantic) you know... air... aaah... not air...
asia sentinel: whaaat??! now it's not air anymore?? then what is it??? (voice becoming impatient)
terasasi staff: aah... wind! business up wind! (grinning with relief)
asia sentinel: wind?? as in, today it's very windy, the wind blows strongly, that kind of wind?
terasasi staff: yes yes! (look of joy)
asia sentinel: so, the firm produces alternative power using wind?
terasasi staff: no! (look of dismay again)
asia sentinel: then, the firm manufactures windmills? (rotating entire arm in a frantic effort to imitate windmill blades)
terasasi staff: no!
asia sentinel: the firm provides aerodynamic testing in wind tunnels?
terasasi staff: no no no! (look of dismay)
asia sentinel: still not right? oh god! so what is it then??!
terasasi staff: business, up... wind!
asia sentinel: up-wind??? that is such a mysterious term, i cant tell what mysterious business your company ventures in; gosh, i dont get you at all! you keep saying wind, and all i'm getting is gas... i better leave now before i break wind in front of you! (leaves hurriedly in disappointment)
terasasi staff: ceh! orang puteh pengotor! (wajah meloya)
*yuck! unhygienic white man! (look of disgust)
staff no.2: kenapa kau ni? (melangkah masuk lobi semula)
*what's with you? (steps into the lobby again)
terasasi staff: tu, orang puteh tu, tanya aku banyak2, lepas tu nak kentut depan aku pulak!
*that white man, he asked me lots of questions, then he wanted to break wind in front of me!
staff no.2: heh! apa yang dia tanya? apa kau jawab?
*heh! what did he ask? what did you answer?
terasasi staff: kan tadi dia tanya, apa bisnes kompeni ni... aku pun jawab la, up wind, aku kata... tapi dia tak paham2... dia cakap misteri la, apa la... dia bengang sampai nak terkeluar kentut!
*that question he asked earlier, what business does the company do... so i answered, up wind, i said... but he still didnt understand...he said it's a mystery bla bla bla... and he got upset until he felt like farting!
staff no.2: up wind?? apa tu??
*up wind?? what's that??
terasasi staff: laaa... (wajah terkejut) kau pun tak paham ke??? simple english je tu, aku ni pun paham! kan kompeni ni buat bisnes up wind, bisnes atas angin!
*oh no... (look of disbelief) you dont understand either??? it's simple english, even i understand it! dont you remember, this company does the up wind business (brokering business)
staff no.2: hahah! patutlah orang puteh tu nak terkeluar kentut nak fahamkan apa kau cakap, kau pergi terjemah literal sebijik2, atas angin bukan up wind la, broker la! haha! klakka-la kau ni!
*hahah! no wonder the white man developed gas problem to the point of farting in trying to chew over your words, you did a literal translation; it's not up wind, it's brokering! haha! you're funny!

My Foot Note:
We Don't Want Pirate Leaders!
We Want Clean Leaders!

We Don't Want Bullshitting Leaders!
We Want Clean Leaders!

Catatan tapakkakiku:
Kami Tak Nak Pemimpin Lanun!
Kami Mahu Pemimpin Bersih!

Kami Tak Nak Pemimpin Kencing!
Kami Mahu Pemimpin Bersih!

Sama2 kita rai dan bantu menyemarak kebangkitan perjuangan gerakan ABU. Dapatkan T-Shirt Siri ABU penghasilan penulis, sekarang:
Let us together celebrate and support the uprising of the ABU movement. Get the ABU Series T-Shirt designed by the writer, now:

T-shirt Siri ABU: Jatuhkan mereka! (ABU Series T-shirt: Bowl 'em over!) www.klakka-la.blogspot

T-shirt Siri ABU: Jatuhkan mereka! Gambaran hadapan & belakang (ABU Series T-shirt: Bowl 'em over! Front & back illustration) www.klakka-la.blogspot

HARGA: RM35 sehelai
PRICE: RM35 (USD12) per piece (please read Notes below)

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Side Ad: CIFU. Ask. And you'll get it. Coming soon. www.klakka-la.blogspot
Coming Soon:

Washed Clean
8 - 9 x
Ask. And you'll get it.

Also Coming Soon:
1Malaysia Keliru: Dijajah ke tak? Merdeka ke tak? (1Malaysia Confused: Colonised or not? Freed or not?) www.klakka-la.blogspot


Untuk ABU, Kita PERLU Sentiasa Berjagajaga Bertungkuslumus
For ABU, We NEED To Be Continuously Vigorously Vigilant!!!

Jadiii... siapa boleh bagitau apa situasi sekarang... sebabnya, 13hb April dah pun berlalu, jadi ada sesiapa yang merekodkan perkembangan baru???

Untuk menyegarkan semula ingatan kita, inilah yang laporkan pada 12hb Mac: 

Pada jam 2.09 petang Menteri Pembangunan Wanita,Keluarga dan Masyarakat Shahrizat Jalil tiba di komplek mahkamah dengan diiringi beberapa orang.
Beliau tidak kelihatan berada di bangunan Parlimen semasa Yang Dipertuan Agong merasmikan sidang Parlimen penggal ini pagi Isnin.
Suami beliau yang juga Pengerusi NFC, Dr Mohamed Salleh Ismail tiba  lebih awal dan dibawa ke Mahkamah Sesyen Jenayah 1.
Prosiding mahkamah itu yang dikendali oleh Hakim SM Komathy Suppiah bermula jam 2.27 petang.Di situ hakim telah membacakan pertuduhan terhadap Dr Mohamed Salleh atas dua kes pecah amanah dan dua kes melanggar akta syarikat melibatkan wang melebihi RM49 juta.
Bagi pertuduhan pertama, beliau didakwa sebagai pengarah syarikat NFC melakukan pecah amanah menyalahgunakan wang RM9,758,140 melalui empat keping cek untuk membiayai sebahagian pembelian dua unit kondominium 'One Menerung' di Parcel  BI-1 dan B1-2, Blok B di atas geran nombor 65152, lot no.56454 di Mukim Kuala Lumpur.
Kesalahan tersebut dilakukan antara 1 dan 4 Dis 2009 di CIMB Islamic Bank Bhd, Jalan Burhanuddin Helmi Taman Tun Dr Ismail.
Bagi pertuduhan kedua, di alamat dan bank sama, antara 6 Mei dan 16 Nov 2009, beliau didakwa melakukan kesalahan sama dengan memindahkan wang RM40 juta melalui satu cek ke dalam akaun syarikat National Meat & Livestock Corporation Sdn Bhd bagi kegunaan syarikat tersebut di mana beliau dan salah seorang anaknya adalah pemilik syarikat berkenaan.
Untuk kedua-dua kesalahan ini beliau didakwa mengikut Seksyen 409 dan jika disabitkan boleh dipenjara sekurang-kurangnya dua tahun hingga 20 tahun dan sebat serta boleh didenda.
Sementara itu, bagi pertuduhan pertama dan kedua mengikut Akta Syarikat, Dr Mohamad Salleh selaku pengarah NFC didakwa tanpa kebenaran mesyuarat agung telah menggunakan harta syarikat untuk membiayai sebahagian daripada pembelian dua unit kondominium tersebut.
Bagi kedua-dua kesalahan ini, beliau didakwa mengikut Seksyen 132(2)(a) Akta Syarikat 1965, jika disabitkan boleh dipenjara sehingga lima tahun atau denda RM30,000
Dr Mohamed Salleh mengaku tidak bersalah keatas empat dakwaan itu dan mohon dibicarakan.

Peguam Badrul Munir Bukhari yang mewakili Dr Mohamad Salleh meminta anak guamnya diikat jamin sebanyak RM100,000 dengan seorang penjamin dan sedia menyerahkan pasport kepada mahkamah sebagai syarat tambahan.
Badrul juga memberitahu mahkamah bahawa peguam Datuk Seri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah akan bertindak sebagai peguam utama dan kini berada di luar negeri.
"Anak guam saya telah memberi kerjasama penuh kepada polis dan pihak pendakwaan sepanjang penyiasatan sejak timbulnya kes ini dan kini berada di mahkamah untuk membersihkan namanya," kata Badrul.
Timbalan Pendakwa Raya Dzulkifli Ahmad tidak membantah jaminan tersebut dan berkata beliau menyerahkan perkara tersebut kepada budi bicara mahkamah.
Hakim Komathy berkata mahkamah telah mengambil kira keseriusan kes dan jumlah wang yang terlibat serta mahkamah tidak mahu dituduh memilih kasih dalam menetapkan jaminan.
"Kes-kes seperti ini sebelum ini telah ditetapkan jaminan yang tinggi walaupun di dalam kes ini (pihak pendakwaan) tidak membantah jaminan seperti mana dicadangkan oleh pihak pembelaan," katanya.
Beliau bagaimanapun kemudian menetapkan jaminan RM500,000 dengan seorang penjamin, serta dokumen perjalanan Dr Mohamad Salleh diserahkan kepada mahkamah dan menetapkan sebutan semula kes berkenaan pada 13 April depan.
Anak sulung tertuduh, Wan Shahinur Izmir, 32, telah membayar jaminan tersebut.
Badrul dibantu oleh Ahmad Redza Abdullah, sementara Dzulkifli dibantu oleh Timblan Pendakwa Raya Awang Armadajaya Awang Mahmud.

Sooo... who can tell me what's going on here... I mean, April 13th had passed, so anybody keeping any update???

To refresh our memories, here is what reported back on March 13th:

NATIONAL Feedlot Corporation (NFCorp) executive chairman Dr Mohamad Salleh Ismail pleaded not guilty after he was charged with 4 counts of criminal breach of trust (CBT) and misappropriation of almost RM50 million at the Sessions Court yesterday.
With his wife, Women, Family and Community Development Minister Shahrizat Abdul Jalil, and eldest son, Wan Shahinur Izmir, looking on from the public gallery, Salleh claimed trial to all 4 charges.
The 63-year-old was accused of banking in RM40 million into the account of his company, National Meat and Livestock Corporation Sdn Bhd (NMLC), at a CIMB Islamic Bank Bhd branch in Taman Tun Dr Ismail here between May 6 and Nov 16, 2009.
Salleh also claimed trial to another two counts of CBT and misappropriation of RM9,758,140 belonging to NFCorp by purchasing two One Menerung Condominium units purportedly for NMLC.
He is alleged to have committed the offence at the same bank branch between Dec 1 and Dec 4, 2009.
Salleh is facing a maximum 20 years in jail, whipping and fine, if convicted.
Deputy public prosecutor Dzulkifli Ahmad applied for the cases to be tried jointly. Judge S.M. Komathy Suppiah allowed it.
Counsel Badrulmunir Bukhari urged the court to grant bail of RM50,000 for each charge in light of his client’s cooperation during investigation. He also reminded the court that the assets of his client’s company had been frozen since investigations began.
“There is no risk my client will abscond,” Badrulmunir said.
Gesturing towards the public gallery, he reminded the court that his client’s case had received significant media coverage.
“He has voluntarily presented himself in court to clear his name.”
He said Wan Shahinur Izmir was willing to act as bailor for his father.
When the judge asked how old the son was, Wan Shahinur Izmir stood up in the public gallery and said he was 32.
Komathy then set bail at RM500,000 for all charges and ordered Salleh surrender his travel documents before fixing April 13 for mention.
The accused posted bail in the afternoon.
Dzulkifli was assisted by DPPs Awang Armadajaya Awang Mahmud and Azimul Azami, while Salleh was also represented by Ahmad Reza Abdullah, Wan Azmir Wan Majid and Y. Seelan.
Shahrizat, who was clad in a white baju kurung, turned up at the Jalan Duta court complex just after 2pm in a heavily tinted Proton Perdana with four police patrol cars.  
She was accompanied by two employees and a police cordon was thrown around her as she walked into the complex.
The minister, who announced she would be resigning from her cabinet position on Sunday, did not flash her signature smile at photographers but headed straight for Sessions Court 1.  
Shahrizat said on Sunday that she would step down from her ministerial position once her three-year term as a senator ends on April 8.
However, she will remain as Wanita Barisan Nasional and Wanita Umno chief.
In the courtroom yesterday, Wan Shahinur Izmir greeted his mother before they sat at the public gallery.
Wan Shahinur Izmir,  his brother, Izran, and sister, Wan Izzanah Fatimah, are directors of NFCorp.

Kelakar 1Malaysia: Bart Simpson Pun Suka Lembu? (Funny 1Malaysia: Bart Simpson Says Don't Have A Cow, Man!) www.klakka-la.blogspot

My Foot Note:
We Don't Want Dirty!
We Want Clean Elections!

We Want Green!
X Nuke!
X Lynas!

Serius 1Malaysia: ABU Kata Kami Tak Nak Kotor! Kami Mahu Bersih 3.0! (Serious 1Malaysia: ABU Says We Don't Want Dirty! We Want Bersih 3.0!) www.klakka-la.blogspot

Catatan tapakkakiku:
Kami Tak Nak Kotor!
Kami Mahu Pilihanraya Bersih!

Kami Nak Hijau!
X Nak Nuklear!
X Lynas!

Serius 1Malaysia: ABU Kata Kami Tak Nak Nuklear! X Nuklear X Lynas! (Serious 1Malaysia: ABU Says We Don't Want Nuclear! X Nuke X Lynas!) www.klakka-la.blogspot