

Selamat Tahun Baru (Happy New Year)
catatan: penulisan ini tertangguh dari dipaparkan pada 9 januari lepas akibat teknikaliti
note: this entry meant for posting on 9th january last month was held back due to technicality
Nampaknya azmin tak perlu susahpayah nak kena robohkan tembok penjara. Sekarang bolehlah dia balik rumah berjumpa ibu yang sudah 5 bulan tidak dijenguk hinggakan umi half-filled-dah sendiri pun sesangat merindu abangnya hingga terpaksa membocorkan kisah ini seraya merayu menerusi media.
Seems azmin does not have to break sweat to break down jail walls. Finally now he can go back to his mother's house for a visit, having not done so for 5 months already that even umi half-filled-dah herself is missing her brother terribly to the point she had to reveal this and plead through the media.

2 tahun adalah marathon yang panjang, apatah lagi buat seorang yang telah terpaksa menyambut banyak daripada beberapa belas tahun kebelakangan ini dengan hanya turun naik tangga mahkamah, kerana itulah perancangan musuhnya supaya beliau tidak dapat menumpukan masa dan usaha bagi aktiviti lain yang lebih  bermakna untuk dirinya, untuk keluarga, untuk rakan2, untuk gerakan politik dan untuk rakyat umum. Sayangnya masa panjang yang terbuang!
2 years is no doubt a long marathon, what more for someone who has had to celebrate many of the past 10 to 15 years by only climbing up and down the stairs of various courts, for that is exactly the plan of his enemies so that he could not focus his time and efforts on other activities which would have been more meaningful to himself, to his family, to friends, to his political movement, and to the public. What a shame for all those wasted years!

InsyaAllah ini satu permulaan baru.
InsyaAllah kini benarlah merdeka.
Maka sememangnyalah ini tahun baru bagi kita.
Semoga kita sentiasa memperoleh petunjuk pertolongan perlindungan rahmat nikmat kesihatan kekuatan kebijaksanaan kewarasan ketangkasan kemenangan kejayaan dan keberkatan, insyaAllah.
Wishing that this is a new beginning.
Wishing that this time it is true freedom.
Then indeed this is a new year for us.
May we always be bestowed with guidance assistance protection mercy prosperity health strength wisdom sanity agility victory success and blessing, God willing.

Kelakar 1Malaysia: Merdeka ada ke dalam buku kalau Prof Keling jadi Hakim? (1Malaysia Joke: Is Freedom found in the book if Prof Keling becomes Judge?) www.klakka-la.blogspot


Sama2 kita rai dan bantu menyemarak kebangkitan perjuangan gerakan ABU. Dapatkan T-Shirt Siri ABU penghasilan penulis sekarang:
Let us together celebrate and support the uprising of the ABU movement. Get the ABU Series T-Shirt designed by the writer now:

T-shirt Siri ABU: Jatuhkan mereka! (ABU Series T-shirt: Bowl 'em over!) www.klakka-la.blogspot

T-shirt Siri ABU: Jatuhkan mereka! Gambaran hadapan & belakang (ABU Series T-shirt: Bowl 'em over! Front & back illustration) www.klakka-la.blogspot

HARGA: RM35 sehelai
PRICE: RM35 (USD12) per piece (please read Notes below)

Sila buat pembelian dan bayaran di bawah ini supaya kami dapat proses permintaan anda.
Penghantaran dalam Malaysia sudah termasuk yuran pos dan Paypal.
Untuk penghantaran luar Malaysia, sila e-mel butiran anda termasuk lokasi penghantaran (peringatan: pihak pos tidak membuat hantaran ke peti pos) untuk menentukan dahulu tambahan harga pos, ke alamat berikut:
Please make your selection and payment below, so we can proceed to process your order.
Delivery within Malaysia has already included the fees for postage and Paypal.
For deliveries outside of Malaysia, please e-mail your particulars including location (reminder: postal service does not deliver to postal boxes) to determine beforehand the extra amount required for postage, to the following address:

Catatan Tambahan:
Penulis akan berada luar daerah atas isu mustahak dari 7 hingga 14 februari, oleh itu semua pesanan akan hanya diproses mulai 15hb februari. Namun, anda tetap digalakkan membuat pesanan bermula sekarang kerana pesanan yang lebih awal diterima akan diberi lebih keutamaan dalam pemprosesan. Maaf atas kesulitan.
Additional Notes:
The writer has to be outstation for some important engagements from 7th to 14th of february; as such, processing of orders can only begin on 15th february. However, we still encourage you to  order from now, since the earlier an order is received, the higher priority it gets for processing. Sorry for the incovenience.


Jika membeli lebih dari 1 saiz, pilih satu saiz dahulu untuk dimasukkan
ke dalam troli, tetapkan bilangan yang diinginkan untuk saiz itu,
kemudian klik pada "Continue Shopping"
dan tokok lagi saiz lain yang diingini ke dalam troli anda.
To order for more than 1 size, please choose one size to add to
your shopping cart first, enter the quantity you require for that size,
then click on "Continue Shopping"
and add the next size you require to the cart.


Side Ad: CIFU. Ask. And you'll get it. Coming soon. www.klakka-la.blogspot
Coming Next:

Washed Clean
8 - 9 x
Ask. And you'll get it.

Also Coming Soon:
1Malaysia Keliru: Dijajah ke tak? Merdeka ke tak? (1Malaysia Confused: Colonised or not? Freed or not?) www.klakka-la.blogspot

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