

Kenapa ABU (Asalkan Bukan UMNO-BN) - Prakata
Why ABU (Anything But UMNO-BN) - Prewords

Ada orang walaupun tidak suka gelarannya, tetapi demi sumber kewangan harian sendiri malah untuk ahli keluarga maka terpaksa juga bekerja sebagai supir kepada tuanbesar. Itu masih okey, terpaksa berlenguhkaki dalam kesesakan bandaraya memandu bos ke sanasini kerapkali hingga tengahmalam dan selalu juga di hujungminggu yang sepatutnya diluang bersama keluarga, tetapi dapat juga merasa memandu kereta mewahmenjalar berkemilau. Ada yang lain terpaksa ke sanasini kerapkali secara jarakjauh tidakkira di hujungminggu atu semalaman, dengan menggengam kuat stering lori yang selalu rosak brek dan kadang2 pecah tayar di tengah2 lebuhraya yang bahangnya membakar setiap inci kulit di badan. Ada sebilangan yang amatsuka mendapat wang lebih lalu membuat kerjasampingan di hujungminggu atau sebelah malam setelah tamat waktu pejabat dengan menyewa daripada pemilik permit dan menjadi drebar teksi hingga larutmalam.Ada sebahagian yang bersifat usahawan lantas tatkala oranglain berkira2 hendak membeli kereta begitu begini, mereka pula diam2 mengumpul duit lalu membeli bas yang diusahakan sebagai bas sekolah atau bas kilang.

Tetapi cuma ada 1pasangan yang diketahui umum di 1Malaysia ini yang mana si-suami tak semena2 suka pula digelar pemandu bas, sedangkan si-isteri bersifat diam2 mengumpul duit menabung dari kecil lalu berbelanja sakan membeli ituini apabila sudah besar gedempol!

(eh, atau adakah ianya terbalik - si-suami yang suka menabung kemudian berbelanja boros sedangkan si-isteri pula yang suka menjadi drebar bas???)

1Malaysia, 1Malaysia...

Ah, apapun, taklama selepas ini kita akan mulakan siri pembelajaran baru:
Kenapa ABU?
Sila tunggukan...

Although disliking the label, but for the sake of daily source of income for themselves and even for family members, there are people who would still have to work as drivers to the big bosses. That is still okay, undergoing leg cramps in the city traffic jams driving the boss here and there, oft into late at nights and many times too at weekends which are supposed to be spent with the family, but at least they get to drive gleaming luxury cars. There are others who have to drive around here and there, often over long distances be it weekends or overnights, having to tightly grip the steering wheels of lorries that are prone to burst tyres and frequent faulty brakes in the middle of the highway with heat that burns every inch of the skin on their backs. Then there are people who simply love to earn extra money and commit to second jobs during weekends or at nights after normal office hours are over, by leasing from the permit holders and becoming taxi divers beyond midnights. There are also the entreprenurial lots who, whilst many people are doing the maths to buy this car or that, they in turn have silently been saving money and then buying buses which they operate as school or factory buses.

But there is only 1couple widely known here in 1Malaysia whereby the husband, without apparent reason, likes to be labelled a bus driver, whereas the wife has been silently saving money in piggy banks since small, only to splurge-spend on this and that when she grows big and fat!

(eh, or is it the other way round - the husband is the one who likes saving and then splurging, whilst the wife is the one who likes to be the bus driver???)

1Malaysia, 1Malaysia...

Ah, whatever it is, soon after this, we will begin on a new learning series:
Why ABU?
Please hold on...

Kelakar 1Malaysia: Pemandu Langgar Lembu Lebih Baik Dari Pemandu Jadi Lembu? (Funny 1Malaysia: The Driver Runs Over A Cow Is Better Than The Driver Becomes A Cow?) www.klakka-la.blogspot

My Foot Note:
We Don't Want Dirty!
We Want Bersih 3.0!

We Want Green!
X Nuke!
X Lynas!

Serius 1Malaysia: ABU Kata Kami Tak Nak Kotor! Kami Mahu Bersih 3.0! (Serious 1Malaysia: ABU Says We Don't Want Dirty! We Want Bersih 3.0!) www.klakka-la.blogspot

Catatan tapakkakiku:
Kami Tak Nak Kotor!
Kami Mahu Bersih 3.0!

Kami Nak Hijau!
X Nak Nuklear!
X Lynas!

Serius 1Malaysia: ABU Kata Kami Tak Nak Nuklear! X Nuklear X Lynas! (Serious 1Malaysia: ABU Says We Don't Want Nuclear! X Nuke X Lynas!) www.klakka-la.blogspot


Kerajaan 1Malaysia - Dulu, Kini dan Selamanya
The 1Malaysia Government - Then, Now and Forever

Kelakar Perumpamaan 1Malaysia: Hancur Umpama Altantuya Diikat Bom (Funny 1Malaysia Simile: Shattered Like Altantuya Tied To A Bomb) www.klakka-la.blogspot

A picture is worth a thousand words...

But often times a picture requires a thousand accompanying words in order for it to be clearly understood by an uninitiated few, or by many who have been so deeply entrenched in endless misdirections by people with resources, influence and agenda, that they have simply become unaware of the real truths.

1Malaysia, 1Malaysia...

Unfortunate for you because the chiefs who supposedly lead and steer this country of ours... generally are... oh Lord, if we belittle them, they'd jump... but heck, this ventricle has long suffered burning pains, holding back anger and frustration; therefore, i'm not gonna apologize for all the insults in here... of the stupid, arrogant lots!

Eh, angry? Don't want to believe it? Want proof?

Huh! The photos above are the proofs! These photos (thanks to manjongmari.blogspot) silently portray a thousand meanings which reflect the traits of the UBN Government all along the decades that they have been made (oh Lord have mercy!) leaders (gosh, when will the jinx end?!)

Well, now let's learn and understand what these boring photos reflect:

1.People 'at the top' (no wonder the public has been stepped on all the time!) are usually surrounded by a few who try to give spontaneous advice (correct or not, sincere or not, only God knows)

2.People 'at the top' (ugh, nauseating!) on the other hand, usually reject the advice, spontaneously too, whether because they feel the advisors are not of the same level and not that good, or they feel that they themselves are already great thus not requiring any pointers (hence, arrogantly stupid!)

Note: But often too, the arrogant fools are actually only snobbish, not dumb, but instead are very conniving, pretending to sweep aside the offered opinions, only later to quietly use the same - and claiming that the ideas are their own brainchild!

3.The arrogant fools, due to their arrogance, or sometimes because of being not too smart, often start or continue with a policy or project drummed up as correct, great or problem-free, without an exhaustive investigation beforehand, thereafter committing blunders which are only discovered midway, thereby forced to make a u-turn, at which point though, lots have already been wasted on time, effort and expenses!

Note: More saddening, embarassing and hurting the left and right atria is when the stupid snobs do not even realize their own mistakes, henceforth happily displaying their dumb work for all to see as a proud achievement!

4.The snob leaders too will not be void from surrounded by a group of people none other than: the a**-kissing bootlickers!

Suatu gambar bernilai seribu perkataan...

Tapi seringkali suatu gambar perlu diiringi seribu perkataan supaya ianya jelas kepada segolongan kecil yang kurang pengalaman, atau segolongan besar yang telah terperangkap terlalu dalam dengan pengeliruan bertali-arus buatan pihak yang mepunyai sumber, pengaruh dan agenda, hinggakan mereka semata2 sudah tidak kenal yang manakah kebenaran hakiki.

1Malaysia, 1Malaysia...

Malang nasibmu ialah kerana chiep yang kunun2 meneraju mengemudi negaraku ini... rata2nya golongan... adoi la, kalau kita kutuk mengata, melompat... tapi gasaklah, ulu ventrikel dah lama sakitpedih memendam marah dan kecewa, maka tidaklah aku akan mintakmaap atas segala kutukan di sini... golongan bodohsombong!

Aik, marah? Tak percaya? Nak bukti?

Hah! Gambar di atas lah buktinya! Gambar ni (terimakasih kepada manjongmari. blogspot) dengan diam memaparkan seribu makna yang mencerminkan ciri2 Kerajaan UBN selama berdekad dijadikan (Masya Allah!) ketua (adoi, bila la suwey nak lari nih?!)

Baiklah, mari belajar dan memahami apa maksud gambar2 bosan ni:

1.Orang 'atas' (patutlah orangramai asek kena pijak2 je!) selalunya dikelilingi beberapa orang yang cuba memberi nasihat spontan (betul ke tidak, ikhlas atau tidak, wallahu'alam)

2.Orang 'atas' (ish, meluatnya!) pula selalunya menolak pandangan itu, juga dengan spontan, samada kerana mereka rasakan pemberi nasihat bukanlah setara dan bagus mana pun, atau mereka rasakan diri mereka sendiri sudah cukup hebat lantaran tidak memerlukan sebarang tunjukajar (itu sebab digelar bodohsombong!)

Catatan: Tapi selalu juga si-bodohsombong ni sebenarnya cuma sombong, tidak bodoh, sebaliknya sangat licik, pura2 mengenepikan nasihat yang diajukan, tetapi selepas itu dalam diam menggunakannya - dan mengaku itu adalah hasil buahfikiran kepalahotaknya sendiri!

3.Si-bodohsombong, akibat kesombongannya, atau kadang2 akibat kurang pandai, kerap memula atau meneruskan sesuatu polisi atau projek yang diwar2kan sebagai betul, bagus atau tiada masalah, tanpa kajiselidik yang cukup mendalam terlebih dahulu, lalu melakukan kesilapan yang hanya disedari setelah separuhjalan, lalu terpaksa berpatah arah sedangkan ketika itu telahpun banyak masa, tenaga dan belanja disia2kan

Catatan: Lebih menyedih, mengaib dan menyakitkan atrium kirikanan ialah apabila si-bodohsombong tak sedar pun kesilapannya sendiri, lalu dengan girang menunjukkan hasilkerja bodohnya untuk tontonan orangramai sebagai satu kejayaan membanggakan!

4.Si-bodohsombong juga tak akan sepi dari dikelilingi segolongan yang taklain takbukan ialah: kaki ampu!

Kelakar 3B 1Malaysia: Si-Bodohsombong, Si-Bisupenakut dan Si-Bodekkuat (Funny 1Malaysia 3B's: The Buffoon, The Balless Mute and The Bootlicker) www.klakka-la.blogspot

Note: Furthermore, there is another group who hover around like flies. They have a hobby of chasing after cheap publicity

5.Lastly, there is always a group of intelligents and people highly experienced in their respective fields, but, woeful is an understatement, these people belong to the no-balls species, infected with a syndrome rendering them mute; although they are aware of, or at least suspicious of, a wrongdoing, yet for them the 'people at the top' are untouchables, instead this group only has the guts to direct their lessons, lectures and preaches towards the wrongs and weaknesses of people perceived as being 'below' where they themselves stand, like youths in the cities, or village folks whenever they go back to their hometowns!

This is the true picture of the country's leadership then, now and hopefully not going to be forever, as insinuatively portrayed above. Funny. Sad. Boiling.

My Foot Note:
Imagine if the Indons or the Banglas imported to build football stadium, bridges, walls of a new parliament costing 800M, walls of the new national palace costing 800M, or walls of factory buildings for lynas, and these contract workers, just like the UBN leader above, happily and proudly go lay the bricks in similar manner, what will happen??!
Guaranteed, within only several months the wall would start to crack and may collapse thereafter! (eh, haven't there been stadium, bridges, roads, parliament and various other walls/structures in 1malaysia all along the UBN administration which have indeed cracked/ collapsed??? Go figure!)

Catatan: Tambahan lagi, ada pula segolongan yang menghurung bagai lalat iaitu kaki 'enter frame' yang hobinya mengejar publisiti murahan

5.Terakhir, sentiasa ada golongan bijakpandai dan berpengalaman dalam bidang masing2, tetapi malang seribu  kali malang, golongan ini spesis tiada telur yang telah dihinggapi penyakit bisu; walaupun mereka sedar atau sekurang2nya syak ada kesalahan, namun baginya 'orang atas' itu tidakboleh disentuh, sebaliknya golongan ini hanya berani menujukan kelas, syarahan dan tarbiyah mereka terhadap kesalahan atau kelemahan golongan yang dianggap 'bawah' dari mereka sendiri, contohnya anak2muda di bandar, atau orang2 kampung ketika mereka balik berhariraya!

Inilah gambaran sebenar pimpinan negara dulu, kini dan harap2 tidak akan selamanya, yang tersirat dalam gambar di atas. Kelakar. Sedih. Menyirap

Catatan tapakkakiku:
Bayangkan jika Mat Indon atau Bangla yang diimpot membina stadium bolasepak, jambatan, tembok parlimen baru berharga 800juta, tembok istana negara baru bernilai 800juta, atau tembok bangunan kilang lynas, lalu pekerja kontrek ini, seperti pemimpin UBN di atas, dengan gembira dan bangga pergi ikat batu sedemikian gaya, apakah akan jadi??!
Jamin, beberapa bulan sahaja maka tembok pun akan mula retak dan seterusnya boleh runtuh! (eh, bukan ke stadium, jambatan, jalan, parlimen dan berbagai lagi tembok/struktur dalam 1malaysia sepanjang pentadbiran UBN nih memang dah ada yang retak/ runtuh??? Lu pikirlah sendiri!)


Bahasa 1Malaysia - Simpulan Bahasa (Terbaru):
Pelan Transformasi Kerajaan

The 1Malaysia Language - Idioms (Latest):
Government Transformation Plan

alamak! Tayangan semula atas permintaan ramai (baca: penulis buat silap haha)
oops! Re-posted due to high demand (read: writer's blooper haha)

1Malaysia, 1Malaysia...

PPSMI is about the learning of SCIENCES and MATHEMATICS using the English Language in primary as well as secondary schools...

the objective of PPSMI is so that children will graduate from schools with a high COMMAND OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE; henceforth CAN COMPETE GLOBALLY IN THEIR RESPECTIVE CAREER...

PPSMI is thought of, brainstormed, sowed, planted, executed, cared for, and defended by 1Malaysia's POLITICAL LEADERS...

if one learns SCIENCES, then SCIENTIFIC names and terms will be learned...

if one learns MATHEMATICS, then MATHEMATICAL terms will be learned...

therefore, the schoolkids may learn of SCIENTIFIC and MATHEMATICAL names and terms which are taught in ENGLISH (and no longer recognize those same terms in Bahasa Malaysia)...

for example, they may know words like test tube (no longer 'tabung uji'), ultra violet (no longer 'lampau ungu'), density (no longer 'ketumpatan'), dan differentiation (no longer 'pengkerbedaan')...

furthermore, they may also know names and terms like biology (no longer 'biologi'), physics (no longer 'fizik'), mathematics (no longer 'matematik'), photosynthesis (no longer 'fotosintesis'), hydrocloric acid (no longer 'asid hidroklorik'), trajectory (no longer 'trajektori'), calculus(no longer 'kalkulus'), negative (no longer 'negatif'), graph (no longer 'graf'), statistics (no longer 'statistik'), and hundreds maybe thousands more SCIENTIFIC and MATHEMATICAL names and terms in ENGLISH which they may learn, know and understand; hence, they achieve a high level of COMMAND OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE; thereby, ABLE TO COMPETE GLOBALLY IN THEIR RESPECTIVE CAREER!!!

oh, but what if some of these kids (or more than half of them) get out from their schooling years and decide to choose a career OUTSIDE OF THE SCIENCES LINE (and mathematics line as well, since generally mathematics is closely affiliated with sciences) - for examples, jobs as politicians, singers or artists (when we talk about politicians, quite often we link them to artists too), painters, writers, journalists, and lawyers???

1Malaysia, 1Malaysia...

PPSMI adalah pembelajaran SAINS dan MATEMATIK menggunakan Bahasa Inggeris di sekolah2 rendah mahupun menengah...

tujuan PPSMI ialah supaya murid2 mengakhiri persekolahan dengan PENGUASAAN BAHASA INGGERIS yang tinggi lalu dapat BERSAING SECARA GLOBAL DALAM KERJAYA MASING2...

PPSMI dicetus, difikirmasak, dibenih, ditanam, dilaksana, dijaga dan dipertahan oleh PEMIMPIN2 POLITIK 1Malaysia...

kalau belajar SAINS, maka nama2 dan perkataan SAINTIFIK bakal dipelajari...

kalau belajar MATEMATIK, perkataan2 MATEMATIK dipelajari...

maka murid2 tersebut mungkin kenal nama2 dan perkataan SAINTIFIK dan MATEMATIK yang diajar dalam Bahasa Inggeris (bukan lagi mengenali perkataan2 sama dalam Bahasa Malaysia)...

contohnya, mereka mungkin kenal perkataan2 seperti test tube (bukan lagi 'tabung uji'), ultra violet (bukan lagi 'lampau ungu'), density (bukan lagi 'ketumpatan'), dan differentiation (bukan lagi 'pengkerbedaan')...

tambahan lagi, mereka juga mungkin mengenali nama2 dan perkataan seperti biology (bukan lagi 'biologi'), physics (bukan lagi 'fizik'), mathematics (bukan lagi 'matematik'), photosynthesis (bukan lagi 'fotosintesis'), hydrocloric acid (bukan lagi 'asid hidroklorik'), trajectory (bukan lagi 'trajektori'), calculus(bukan lagi 'kalkulus'), negative (bukan lagi 'negatif'), graph (bukan lagi 'graf'), statistics (bukan lagi 'statistik'), dan ratusan mungkin ribuan lagi pelbagai nama dan perkataan SAINTIFIK dan MATEMATIK dalam Bahasa Inggeris yang mungkin mereka pelajari, kenali dan fahami, lantaran mereka mencapai tahap PENGUASAAN BAHASA INGGERIS yang tinggi lalu dapat BERSAING SECARA GLOBAL DALAM KERJAYA MASING2!!!

oh, tapi bagaimana kalau sebahagian daripada murid2 tersebut (atau lebih dari setengah dari kalangan mereka) keluar dari alam persekolahan lalu memilih KERJAYA DI LUAR BIDANG SAINS (dan bidang matematik juga, kerana amnya matematik berkait rapat dengan bidang sains) - contohnya kerjaya sebagai politikus, penyanyi atau artis (bila menyebut tentang ahli politik, kerap juga kita kaitkan dengan golongan artis), pelukis, penulis, wartawan dan peguam???