Ada orang walaupun tidak suka gelarannya, tetapi demi sumber kewangan harian sendiri malah untuk ahli keluarga maka terpaksa juga bekerja sebagai supir kepada tuanbesar. Itu masih okey, terpaksa berlenguhkaki dalam kesesakan bandaraya memandu bos ke sanasini kerapkali hingga tengahmalam dan selalu juga di hujungminggu yang sepatutnya diluang bersama keluarga, tetapi dapat juga merasa memandu kereta mewahmenjalar berkemilau. Ada yang lain terpaksa ke sanasini kerapkali secara jarakjauh tidakkira di hujungminggu atu semalaman, dengan menggengam kuat stering lori yang selalu rosak brek dan kadang2 pecah tayar di tengah2 lebuhraya yang bahangnya membakar setiap inci kulit di badan. Ada sebilangan yang amatsuka mendapat wang lebih lalu membuat kerjasampingan di hujungminggu atau sebelah malam setelah tamat waktu pejabat dengan menyewa daripada pemilik permit dan menjadi drebar teksi hingga larutmalam.Ada sebahagian yang bersifat usahawan lantas tatkala oranglain berkira2 hendak membeli kereta begitu begini, mereka pula diam2 mengumpul duit lalu membeli bas yang diusahakan sebagai bas sekolah atau bas kilang.
Tetapi cuma ada 1pasangan yang diketahui umum di 1Malaysia ini yang mana si-suami tak semena2 suka pula digelar pemandu bas, sedangkan si-isteri bersifat diam2 mengumpul duit menabung dari kecil lalu berbelanja sakan membeli ituini apabila sudah besar gedempol!
(eh, atau adakah ianya terbalik - si-suami yang suka menabung kemudian berbelanja boros sedangkan si-isteri pula yang suka menjadi drebar bas???)
1Malaysia, 1Malaysia...
Ah, apapun, taklama selepas ini kita akan mulakan siri pembelajaran baru:
Kenapa ABU?
Sila tunggukan...
Although disliking the label, but for the sake of daily source of income for themselves and even for family members, there are people who would still have to work as drivers to the big bosses. That is still okay, undergoing leg cramps in the city traffic jams driving the boss here and there, oft into late at nights and many times too at weekends which are supposed to be spent with the family, but at least they get to drive gleaming luxury cars. There are others who have to drive around here and there, often over long distances be it weekends or overnights, having to tightly grip the steering wheels of lorries that are prone to burst tyres and frequent faulty brakes in the middle of the highway with heat that burns every inch of the skin on their backs. Then there are people who simply love to earn extra money and commit to second jobs during weekends or at nights after normal office hours are over, by leasing from the permit holders and becoming taxi divers beyond midnights. There are also the entreprenurial lots who, whilst many people are doing the maths to buy this car or that, they in turn have silently been saving money and then buying buses which they operate as school or factory buses.
But there is only 1couple widely known here in 1Malaysia whereby the husband, without apparent reason, likes to be labelled a bus driver, whereas the wife has been silently saving money in piggy banks since small, only to splurge-spend on this and that when she grows big and fat!
(eh, or is it the other way round - the husband is the one who likes saving and then splurging, whilst the wife is the one who likes to be the bus driver???)
1Malaysia, 1Malaysia...
Ah, whatever it is, soon after this, we will begin on a new learning series:
Why ABU?
Please hold on...
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