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The Parliament of 1Malaysia... the special building inside which a handful select people congregate after being elected for their brains where you can find a handful of people who have lost large chunks of their brains outside the building where a handful select people congregate to create laws and rules for the entire country where you can find a handful of people who break and flout some laws and rules of the country where a handful select people stand up to speak out as loud intelligent voices of the masses where you can find a handful of people who jump up and down and speak with loud voices, saying not-so-intelligent things ("tidak berapa pandai"), and creating embarassing mess where a handful of select brainy people identify leaks in all aspects of life for the nation and its people, and prescribe solutions how to effectively plug these leaks where you can find recurring bocor (leaks) in the ceilings where a handful select brainy people decide on effective measures to keep down all costs and expenses to be incurred by the nation especially during a bad or uncertain time (like NOW, duh!) where a handful of people decide that in order to drop costs of repair to the recurring problems of bocor, a totally new building will have to be constructed for them to shift to a special vintage building with very high sentimental value, aesthetic value, historical value, and functional value going to be an overvalued overindulgent brand new building costing up to 800 million ringgit or more! Note: Whomever excel in PPSMI (learning of Sciences and Mathematics using the English Language) please step forward and provide simple arithmetic justification on why building a new parliament house costing 800++ million ringgit right now IS the best solution? Further Note: As at the time of this publication, the chief of parliament had, indirectly through one of his several 'loyal' brown-nose-sergeant-cum-kambing-hitam(scapegoat)-messenger, issued a statement to clear the air on the 'proposal' to build a new parliament: "It is not muktamad (finalized) yet." Crystal clear now, eh, everybody (especially you PPSMI kids)? ![]()