

Edit YOUR Photo!
Ubahsuai Gambar ANDA!

Huh! In this digital era, it is rather easy to edit, transform and upgrade any image, from a still photo or a video, even more so if the original image itself is already in digital format.

But there are producers still groping around in doing editing that looks attractive or appears natural. And of course there are still too many among viewers of an image who become confused, is the image staring back into their own eyes an original image, or is it a result of a somewhat clever manipulation by its producer?

In order to sharpen readers' knowledge about image editing (this is quite explosive nowadays, don't get easily hoodwinked), a quick quiz has been prepared to test your thought process capacity.

Look at the photo and answer the question below it:
*For tips, refer to an earlier post:
klakka-la.blogspot: SELAMAT BERAYA AIDILFITRI 1433H

Hesh! Di zaman digital ini memang agak mudah untuk ubahsuai tukar dan tambahbaik sesuatu gambar biasa mahupun video apatah lagi jika gambar asal sendiri pun dalam bentuk digital.

Tapi ada penerbit masih terkapai2 hendak melakukan ubahsuai yang nampak molek atau seperti semulajadi. Dan amatsangat ramai kalangan yang melihat sesuatu gambar rasa keliru, apakah gambar yang dipapar depan bijimata memasing itu gambar asal atau sudah digubah mengikut selera penerbit?

Untuk menajamkan pengetahuan pembaca tentang ubahsuai gambar (isu ini agak meletop sekarang, jadi jangan mudah terkelentong), maka di sini disediakan satu kuiz pantas sebagai ujian dayafikir anda.

Lihat gambar ini dan jawab soalan di bawahnya:
*Untuk panduan, rujuk di sini:
klakka-la.blogspot: SELAMAT BERAYA AIDILFITRI 1433H

Kenapa Foto Anda Perlu Edit (Why Your Photo Requires Edit) www.klakka-la.blogspot

What is actually in the photo above?

A.circled at right is copy&paste, originally it was only an image of tables and dark blue chairs which were empty.
B.circled at left is copy&paste, originally it was only an image of open light blue sky with birds flying freely. of the circled is copy&paste, originally it was an image of a few monkeys jumping and swinging, which have been from the past few days, often seen straying around pekan, making rosmah feel embarrassed.
D.both circled are copy&paste, originally they were images of a light apparition, which at one point was flying, at another point was jumping and yet at another was swinging, which has been from the past few years, often seen straying around najib's house, making rosmah feel angry.
E.both circled are copy&paste, originally they were images of a group of adults who were all wearing yellow clothes, even though najib's open house invitation clearly stated that the attires for guests shall bear none of the color yellow, making rosmah feel embarrassed and angry.
F.both circled are copy&paste, originally they were images of a group of adult monkeys carrying banners criticising najib whilst supporting muhyiddin to be the new president of u-bn.

Apa sebenarnya ada pada gambar di atas?

A.dibulatkan sebelah kanan adalah copy&paste, asalnya cumalah gambar meja dan kerusi2 birutua yg kosong.
B.dibulatkan sebelah kiri adalah copy&paste, asalnya cumalah gambar langit birumuda terbentang dgn burung2 terbang bebas.
C.salahsatu dibulatkan adalah copy&paste, asalnya adalah gambar beberapa ekor kera terlompat2 dan bergayutan yg sejak beberapa hari ini selalu berkeliaran sekitar kawasan pekan, membuatkan rosmah rasa malu.
D.kedua2 dibulatkan adalah copy&paste, asalnya adalah gambar sekilas lembaga putih yang sekejap terbang, sekejap lagi terlompat2, dan sekejap lagi pula bergayutan, yg sejak beberapa tahun ini selalu berkeliaran sekitar kawasan rumah najib, membuatkan rosmah rasa marah.
E.kedua2 dibulatkan adalah copy&paste, asalnya adalah gambar sekumpulan dewasa yg kesemuanya memakai baju kuning, walaupun jemputan rumahterbuka najib sudah jelas menetapkan tatagaya pemakaian mestilah tiada warna kuning, membuatkan rosmah rasa malu dan marah.
F.kedua2 dibulatkan adalah copy&paste, asalnya adalah gambar sebilangan kera dewasa membawa kainrentang mengutuk najib dgn menyokong muhyiddin sebagai presiden u-bn baru.

My Foot Note:

X Leaders Who Are Unfit!
X Leaders Who Bullshit!
Make Digital Honest Not Fabricated Tale!
X Old Newspaper X Old Scale!

X Nak Pemimpin Kaki Kencing! (X Leaders Who Bullshit!) ABU! www.klakka-la.blogspot

Catatan tapakkakiku:

Kami Tak Nak Pemimpin Gatal!
Kami Tak Nak Pemimpin Kuat Kencing!
Ini Zaman Digital!
X Nak Suratkhabar Lama X Nak Dacing!

X Nak Barang Lama X Nak Dacing! (X Old Stuff X Old Scale!) ABU! www.klakka-la.blogspot

1 comment:

Osama said...

kahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahakahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkakahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkahkah.. berapa banyak kah 'k' berapa banyak kah 'a' & berapa banyak kah 'h' utk anda ketawa terbahak2 kerna hal diatas?
jika anda tak dpt jawab ertinya anda adalah warga UMNO, Umat Melayu Naif Otak nya!
jika anda berjaya menjawabnya, tahniah la kerna anda sendiri telah terbahak2 hinga terciptanya 'kahak' utk mengkahakan warga dlm foto diatas serta yg copy & paste foto tersebut...
haaaaaak thuuuuiieeee
amek kaw setan2 warga parti Untok Melayu Naif Otak tuuH! Be End...jahanam!!!

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